
Student-Athletes have options-NIL

By Darrell Devaul

BY: Darrell Devaul-Senior Editor


Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL)

One of the most significant changes in the 115-year history of the NCAA, Name, Image, and Likeness, was presented to the world on 30th June 2021. The NIL was set out with a claim that NCAA will no longer support the restriction of student athletes’ and that it will use their names, images, and likenesses to create a better, more improved economy of brand marketing that would encourage a class of entrepreneurs.

There are two ways of looking at this; either opt for big schools or small schools. However, big schools can help more in this regard because of their booster base. They can not only provide better facilities to the kids but can also offer bigger marketing opportunities. Whereas the smaller or HBCU schools can not finance on such high levels. These are the little details where student-athletes must pay attention to opportunities in terms of education, facility to play, and making money off their brand.

Another important aspect is the conferences like the Big 12 conference gives optimistic hopes. Texas and OU are expected to leave before signing off their media rights deal. The deals will indeed generate a lot of money. However, the sum is nowhere near what schools are expected to earn.

NIL just carved a path towards great money earning. I had an opportunity to be a part of MEAC Football Media Day. 2021. I found the conference to be in good condition. Although MEAC lost two big schools, I feel the conference will be adding more schools to their conference.

HBCU schools are a great opportunity for students. It is an experience like no other. The reason for attending an HBCU-Historial Black College University, are as follow, pride, diversity, affordability, faculty support, and alumni, and last networking. With NIL become a law, this is another way for student-athletes to showcase their talents, and make some money. NIL is going to help with recruiting to smaller schools, like the HBCU, plus new college head coaches, like Eddie George: Tennesse State, and Deion Sanders:Jackson State

Lastly, I believe students should not compromise their studies. Play bigger, side by side, and earn your brand-building name.

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