
How Weed Controversy Transformed Sha'Carri's Life

By Darrell Devaul

By Darrell Devaul-Senior Editor: PoweringU


The United States had to let go of one of its finest athletes, Sha'Carri. It is a disgrace for the United States to play without its fastest athletes at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. One of the most talked-about topics and headlines of the Summer Games, Sha'Carri Richardson's positive test for marijuana, took the Olympic world by shock.

Who is Sha’Carri Richardson

Sha’ Carri Richardson is a 21 year old American track star, from Dallas, Texas. She graduated from Carter High school, Dallas, Texas. Sha Carri attended LSU before turning professional. There was a lot of challenges in Sha’Carri life, from the pandemic, in regards to training, and the loss of her mother. She did not give up. She is compared to the Late Flo Jo track star. The long nails, and colorful hair, and personality. Everyone makes a mistake. You can look at other athletes, Tiger Woods, Michael Vick, and the late Kobe Bryant. These are just a few athletes, who have made some mistakes and came back.

What Happened To Sha'Carri?

Richardson was known for her fast-running abilities; she had recently run 10.86 in a 100-meter race. This record guaranteed her spot in the Tokyo Olympics 2021; however, her luck had different plans.

Just a day before the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency announced that Sha'Carri had tested positive for marijuana, Sha'Carri tweeted that read, “I am human.” Although marijuana is permitted in Oregon, WADA claims it to be a “substance of abuse,” which invalidated her appearance in the Tokyo Olympics..
According to WADA. marijuana is not permissible because it:
1. Poses health risks
2. Violates sport spirits
3. Can enhance athlete's performance
Sha'Carri Failed Drug Test

Although Richardson did not test positive for steroids, her marijuana consumption before the Olympic trials was enough evidence to remove her from the US Track.

Later on, Richardson appeared in an interview on the “Today Show,” where she claimed that her biological mother’s demise was the reason for her smoking marijuana. She called this news “definitely nerve shocking.” She learned about her mother's death from a reporter.

Sha'Carri said that “It sent me into a state of emotional panic, I didn't know how to control my emotions or deal with my emotions during that time.” She continued by apologizing for her actions, claiming that she knows what she did was wrong and unethical.

She also added, "When it comes to the relationship I have with my mother, it was a very heavy topic on me."

Following Sha'Carri statement, the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency said they would work with her to work on her mental health and have resources to overcome mental health challenges.

Brands did not run away from Sha’‘Carri

After the failed drug test. Sha’Carri spoke up. This created a movement on Cannabis issues. Should it be legal. The president even spoke about it. Instead of Brands running away, they stayed like NIKE. This is where other brands start calling. I cannot wait to see Sha'Carri run again. I think she has a bright future ahead of her. She made a mistake and move on.

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