
Friday Night Lights in the MEAC

By Darrell Devaul

By Darrell Devaul

Howard earns their second game win of the 2021 season, beating Morgan State University,27-0. Friday game was the first shutout from Howard since 2006. This game was special, it was played on Friday night, and was a national-televised game on ESPNU.

This game had a lot of errors from penalties, blocked kicks, dropped passes. Howard Defense did not give up and stayed the course. The Entire Howard Defense should be the Game Leaders of the game. The Howard Defense made a big difference in the shutout stopping Morgan State running to 41 yards to Howard 155, and Morgan State passing yards 122 yds to Howard 492 passing yards. Howard 1st down was 23 to Morgan State 1st downs where 8

Game Leaders of the Game.

Howard University Defense-I am giving this to the entire defense
Quentin Williams
Yds 337
TD 2

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